We've got all the answers to your waxing questions. Our FAQs will answer any question you have about our services, hair removal, and pre-waxing and post-waxing care. Not finding what you're looking for? We'd be happy to assist you.


Does Waxing Hurt?

It’s nearly impossible to answer! “Does waxing hurt?” is nearly impossible to answer! Pain is perceived differently by each individual, and what is painful for one person may not be painful for another. Skin by Donna Wax Studios combines wax and process to offer the most comfortable service available. Take an aspirin or ibuprofen about 30 minutes before your appointment if you have concerns about sensitivity. The hair will grow back sparser and finer if you wax more frequently!


Why Should I Wax VS. Shaving, Electrolysis, or Laser?

Consistent waxing results in the growth of finer, sparser hair. When you shave, it does not remove your hair-so the thickness and quantity of hair remain the same.  

How Long Can I Expect My Wax to Last?

Waxing offers the assurance you'll be hair-free for at least 1-2 weeks following your appointment.


Will My Hair Grow Back Thicker or Darker?

Waxing does not thicken or darken your hair, just the opposite! The hair that grows back from root to tip becomes finer and softer over time.


Is There An Age Limit For Getting Waxed?

As far as waxing is concerned, there is no maximum or minimum age requirement. For those under age 18, we will need the consent of their parent or guardian(s) on their first visit.


Can Someone Go in the Treatment Room With Me?

The client and wax expert are the only ones allowed in the treatment room during an appointment in order to provide the best experience possible.


Can I Get Waxed If I'm Taking Retin A, Renova, or Accutane?

As a result, waxing could potentially remove both your skin and hair if you are taking these medications. If you are taking medications, tell your wax specialist immediately. Additionally, chemical peels, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion can also affect the integrity of your skin.


How Should I Prepare for My Wax?

It is imperative that you prepare for a wax in order to ensure the best experience possible! A few days before your appointment, exfoliate the area. Keep the area clean and moisturized while staying away from greasy and heavy lotions and oils. For more information about what you need to do before your appointment, see our first time visitor page.


How Long Does Hair Have to Be To Get Waxed?

Hair needs to be at least ¼” to ½” for effective waxing. As a rule of thumb, you need to wait 2-4 weeks from the last time you shaved (minimum of 2 weeks). Waiting longer will yield better results.


Can I Get Waxed While On My Period?

Waxing is definitely possible during your period. During your service, you will need to wear a tampon, but otherwise things will continue as normal.


Can I Get Waxed While I'm Pregnant?

Definitely. When our pregnant clients come in for a waxing service, we strive to make them as comfortable as possible.


Can I Tan Before a Wax?

It is highly recommended that you avoid sun exposure 48 hours before and after your wax for the most comfortable experience.


What Should I Wear to Get a Bikini Wax?

While waxing, wear whatever is most comfortable for you. If possible, wear the shortest underwear possible. To avoid getting wax on your favorite pair of underwear, we recommend leaving them at home. Disposable underwear is also available, just ask your wax specialist.


Any Other Things I Should Consider Prior to Waxing?

The two weeks following your cycle are the best time to schedule your bikini wax appointment as it will help decrease sensitivity. Make sure you don't drink too much coffee before your next service, as caffeine can make you more sensitive!


How Do I Prevent Ingrown Hairs?

Keeping your skin exfoliated 2-3 times a week will help you avoid ingrown hairs. Additionally, we provide a variety of products that can minimize ingrown hairs such as scrubs, brushes, poufs, and oils.


What Should I Do for Aftercare?

Keeping your skin exfoliated 2-3 times a week will help you avoid ingrown hairs. Additionally, we provide a variety of products that can minimize ingrown hairs such as scrubs, brushes, poufs, and oils.


How Long Does a Wax Last?

In order to achieve the best results, we recommend that you get a wax every four weeks.